Church of God Message 

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The Only Guaranteed Way to Escape End-Time Catastrophes


Approximately one third of the Bible is instruction in living God’s way of life, one third of it is past history, and nearly one third of it is prophecy, which is future history foretold in advance.  And 90% of prophecy pertains to our days called the end times and beyond.

God’s purpose in revealing mankind’s future through prophecy is to encourage the righteous to persevere in their righteousness in order to receive the awesome reward that God offers them, and to warn each and every human being that those who persist in doing evil will not escape the prophesied end-time catastrophic events.

What would be God’s point in warning each and every human being if there was no way of escape?  Warning the world of approaching catastrophes makes sense only if God promises a way of escape for those who heed the warning.

If the chance of surviving these end time catastrophes was purely random, then it would make no difference whether one heeded the warning issued by God’s Church or not.  But the truth is that God has promised a guaranteed way of escape.  To receive protection for escaping these catastrophes, He requires some action from the individual.  That is why it is vital to pay heed to the messages and diligently act on them.  God has promised in the Bible that based on our own actions we can receive protection from Him throughout the entire three and a half years of the Great Tribulation and come out alive.

The Great Tribulation will be followed by 1,000 years of a real Utopian world in God’s Kingdom where mankind will live in unprecedented abundance, prosperity, peace, harmony, happiness and joy throughout the world.  It is worth it to survive the end time catastrophic events and experience that world.  Daniel the prophet calls such people truly ‘blessed’ (Daniel 12:12) who survive.   

​The question for each of us is: Since such an event has not happened before, will I pay heed to the warning and take the required action to receive God’s help in coming out alive through all these catastrophic events?

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